Goodbye 2018, Hello 2019!

Time passes quickly when one's life is bustling! I felt that 2018 passed by in a blur, sometimes I mix up the events in 2017 and 2018! Some highlights from 2017-2018: Winter Holiday 2017 I was super eager for this trip; I had tied up my work from an intense project and missing my beau, plus it was my first trip back to Europe since graduation! My bf planned the trip so well and the trip strengthened our relationship. I will share more details in a separate post, but needless to say it was a fine finish to 2017! She Works Hard for the Money... On the career-front, I'm fortunate to still have a steady income; the industry is still sluggish despite the rise in petrol prices. The low workload was a blessing because it allowed me to recover from my cubital tunnel syndrome and reflect on my long term career goal. I plan to specialize in heat transfer design and take on more responsibilities as I move up the ladder. Bonjour Paris! I had the opportunity to wor...