Calvin & Hobbes: Forever Funny

I'm a fan of the Calvin & Hobbes comic strip; every time I get the news paper, this will be the first comic I look at. The antics of this twosome never fail to crack me up. Penned & illustrated by Bill Watterson, this comic combines sparse but detailed illustrations, with witty humor & subtle/poignant messages about the world we live in. 

The comic is set in the contemporary US; Calvin is a 6-yr-old boy & Hobbes is the toy tiger that comes alive only for him. The comic describes his adventures & interactions with other people, his flights of fantasy, his observations about society, & his friendship with Hobbes. Other characters include his parents, Susie (his classmate), Moe (the neighborhood bully), Ms.Wormwood (his teacher), Rosalyn (the babysitter) & Principle Spittle. 

Several recurring themes include *click for larger version*




Several comic books have been published, I had the joy of poring over one (belonged to a friend hehe) & it was nice to read the comics, some in full color :)

The official site is here but the fan site Simple Calvin & Hobbes is pretty good too. Cheers to one of the best comic strips ever!


CDanvers said…
woah, you like comic strips too? i like'em too. i specifically like baby blues.
Rowan said…
I love Zits too, hilarious! :D

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