Christmas is around the corner!

Rowie's not a Christian but Christmas has always been a season of cheer & joy :) I type this as the TV plays old Christmas songs...Frank Sinatra, orchestra...*sigh*

Earliest memory...
I remember sitting at the piano & playing the Xmas tunes. It was never something religious, but rather, it was a musical joy to play these songs. Singing along, again, was never religious, but for the joy of singing such lovely tunes. It probably drove the neighbors mad but, oh well :) My personal favorites are Silent Night, Ding Dong Merrily On High & Good King Wenceslas, among others.

Shopping malls are becoming Xmas fantasy lands, with beautiful ornate decorations & props to bring the spirit of Christmas to their halls! We hear Xmas tunes all over the mall; red & white are the colors of the season, various presents to be bought & shared with (despite the global financial crisis)...Food...Oh boy, who wouldn't like Xmas pudding & whatnot! Plus wine...oh yes...It's time to pop the corks, peeps!

Christmas List
As usual, everyone has a list of what they want for Xmas. Rowie's list is pretty simple :p
  • Good health & wealth to family & friends.
  • A more developed maturity, please...
  • Knowledge to know how to make the right decision.
  • Peace for the world.
  • New-found humility & healthy pride.
  • Maintain good relationships with the people around me.
  • Lose some weight, for bleeding heaven's sakes.
  • A new computer to play TRU on pweeese...

Boring, eh? But I rarely ask for much...Hey there's the humility! Tee hee...

Merry Xmas to everyone out there! Here's to peace & happiness!


Goose said…
Its strange to think that christmas is celebrated all over the world in the same way we do!

I hope you get your list, you dont need to loose weight though, but i guess i cant do much to convince you otherwise.
Rowan said…
You seem to think I don't need to lose weight :) I think we make up for the lack of snow with pretty decorations. Today watching the window with fake snowflakes & rainwater streaming down on the other sides makes me think that we do with what we can :d
Anonymous said…
u guys hav fake showflakes =.=??
Rowan said…
Walk on the bridge connecting Bangsar Village 1 & 2, they hang fake snowflakes on the inside then outside rain was streaming down the window, so it FELT Christmas-y :D

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