Goodbye, Michael

Yesterday at Malam Gagasan Budaya 2009, the Orquesta performed a Michael Jackson medley as a tribute to the King of Pop. Due to time constraint we only managed to combine Beat It & Black or White. This Saturday hopefully we'll get to add in more songs & write in parts for other instruments.

Thinking about that medley, I proceeded to play some of my favorite MJ hits:
1. Beat It
2. Billie Jean
3. Black or White
4. Heal the World
5. Man in the Mirror
6. Smooth Criminal
7. Thriller
8. Dont' Stop Till You Get Enough

By Heal the World, I find myself unable to contain my grief. I weep as I write this. On June 26, Michael Jackson, beloved musician & pop icon, passed away. I will not enter the deets around his death; it is understood that he was working hard to get back into shape for his upcoming tour. Drugs cut that work short. 

I remember watching his music videos on TV, singing along indiscriminately (I was too young to know the lyrics back then). Rumors about his striking physical changes didn't bother me. His acquittal of child molestation charges was in line with my belief that he didn't do anything wrong.

He was a musical genius, a man-child & a significant presence throughout my childhood.

Goodbye Michael. You will be missed. You'll live on through your music, there's the eternity you deserve. I feel it's apt to end this post with lyrics from his song You Are Not Alone, for I feel here he's speaking to us that death isn't a true end:

You are not alone
I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart

Just the other night
I thought I heard you cry
Asking me to come
And hold you in my arms
I can hear your prayers
Your burdens I will bear
But first I need your hand
So that forever can begin


espree said…
love his songs..
my all-time fave-'they dont really care bout us'
awesome song..
Tom said…
so sad :( :( :(
Rowan said…
I think I will always grieve for him :(
azwan bamadhaj said…
love you michael....
Anonymous said…
  I am still alive.
 I am always in your blog.
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