Nuts about GLEE!

As some of my friends noticed, I'm a HUGE fan of GLEE! The American musical-comedy TV series is the latest craze on Malaysian shores & I'm not ashamed to say that I'm a GLEEK! :p

It revolves around the McKinley High School show choir called New Directions comprising of very different individuals in it together for different reasons. I just watched the 20th episode & I'm loving' it! :D

Similar to HSM?
To be fair, I've never watched HSM: I've avoided it like the plague lol. But friends who watched both series generally described GLEE as the "smarter version of HSM".

One thing for sure, is people don't just burst into song on GLEE; there's usually a stage or a proper avenue for their performances. It's like a REALLY long-running cabaret show IMO! :p

PS. I REALLY don't think Vanessa Hudgens can sing without irritating me.

The Appeal
I suppose why people are into the show is the characters are not the popular, hip kids of high school; there's the invalid nerd, the Asian goth, the star wannabe, the dimwit footballer & other assorted freaks. I relate to this series easily because:

1. I was never part of the popular crowd lol
2. UMPO has yet to be recognized as a positive force of nature
3. I've had experiences where people label performers as whimsical & useless

Plus I appreciate the combined dance & singing performances; I mean the cast can REALLY sing! :0

Another thing I like about GLEE is the variety of music it covers:

  • Theatricality covered music by Lady Gaga; I especially love the Poker Face piece, I didn't know it was Poker Face until the chorus!
  • Gold Digger was a HOT HOT piece!
  • I like the focus each episode has on a certain music genre/artist (refer to The Power of Madonna!)
I've a lot of songs by the GLEE cast, the songs are great sing-along material! :D
The story is really fantastical, it's got both a cynical edge & a whimsical look at high school life: we've the pregnant teenager, the turbulent love lives of teens, the desperate search for recognition & popularity, plus the nasty conspiracies that sneak around the halls of McKinley High.

I'm a GLEEK! I'm a GLEEK! I love the series & I can't wait to see & hear more from this great production!
Plus Sue Sylvester is IRRESISTIBLE! Don't stop believin', folks! :D


Anonymous said…
Lol Sue Slyvester! She acts the character really really well. In every episode she doesn't fail to deliver that Im-going-to-bring-down Glee Club attitude, wheter she's throwing a tantrum, scheming up a plan or making fun of Will Shuesters hair. :) Nice post btw...
Rowan said…
Thanks Momo! :p

I love Sue, sometimes I just randomly quote her acid lines coz it's so cool! :D

Hey maybe when you're free, we should jam :p
Anonymous said…
Sure, anytime... ;) U know where to find me. Lol..
aMMerZ said…
to be fair, i am GLEEK toooo:)
Rowan said…
Yay Amar! GLEE FTW!

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