Movie Review: Star Trek - Into the Darkness

After being cooped up at home, I asked a few friends to watch the new Star Trek movie. I've seen the first one and I've not followed the original TV series so I didn't have high expectations for the movie franchise. I did like the first film so I was looking forward to the more grim-looking sequel.

A sickly child receives blood from a mysterious donor and miraculously heals. In return, the father blows up Section 13 in London. Pike, Kirk and Spock are called to find the bomber identified as rogue agent John Harrison. However Harrison ambushes a meeting between Starfleet commanders and flees to Kronos, a Klingon stronghold. Pike is killed in the attack, so Admiral Marcus assigns Kirk and Spock to pursue Harrison and shoot him with a prototype torpedo. In their quest to capture Harrison, the crew of Enterprise battle Klingon and wrestle with fractures within the team only to learn that Harrison's motives are not as simple as they thought and a bigger plan has been set in motion. 

The original cast reprised their roles as the crew of the Enterprise. I particularly like that the dynamics between the characters have expanded so the stereotypical conversations and reactions have evolved into something fresh and entertaining. Benedict Cumberbatch's performance as Harrison is noteworthy; there's a richness of sinister in the timbre of his voice and his expression is seriously captivating. 
The minute I heard the signature horn solo, I got goosebumps. Michael Giacchino returns to pen the music behind the screen, a great collaboration once again! 

I enjoyed this film better than I expected and I think you will like the twists in the plot (I didn't expand much because I didn't want to spoil it for you), the comedy and the drama is well-served. I hope the next sequel will be just as entertaining, if not better! :)


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