Introduction to Classical Music

I have to admit I've forgotten so much of classical music history that I learned during my piano classes and I joined this offering by Yale University as I wanted to refresh my memory and revisit classical history in a more informal manner. 

This course was A-MA-ZING! 


Well the lecturer Dr. Craig Wright is the main reason I was excited every week for lecture videos as he exudes so much warmth, I feel like I'm getting a personable one-to-one class! He breaks down classical music without detracting its very complexity yet eases us into understanding its evolution towards the music that we know today.

The lecture videos impart top quality content; may it be excerpts from his classes at Yale, or a tour of old pianos at the museum. We learned the background of key composers and why they wrote the music in such a way. The connection between music and history + art was very well elaborated and I have a richer perspective on the beauty of classical music. There were the Office Hours videos where selected questions from Coursera students are analysed and answered with great detail and care. We also analysed key masterpieces (I particularly liked the colorful video showing the flow of the music) and now I have more songs to add to my playlist ;)

The challenging bit of this course was getting everything correct at the first go! Only results of the 1st attempt are counted to the final grade. In addition, no statement of accomplishment is provided for this course, which is a shame! Nevertheless I am proud to score 86% for this course, which exceeded my expectations! I highly recommend this course to those who want to know what the fuss is all about and get a better understanding on music! 

I'm gonna miss the cute TA! 


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