
I keep track of my budget and so far, I'm doing pretty okay. When I see the greens, I start thinking about what I would love to spend my money on...so here's my wishlist of stuff I'd like to indulge in! 1) Xbox Ever since I realized that my Dell laptop (bless it) is not able to play Tomb Raider Underworld, I've considered getting a game console so I can enjoy myself playing my favorite video game of all time. The Xbox is appealing because it's not too expensive and I've tried playing it at the local game store; the feel is great! The games are also cheaper compared to the PS3 games. This is a more affordable choice and at RM1500 therabouts, this comes at no 1 on my wish list! 2) Foot massage I've sprained both ankles, twice each. The injury doesn't hamper me much; I can still move about, I play badminton regularly, and sometimes I go jogging on my hilly residential area - but there are days where I wish I can just lie back and have someone mas...